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Creative, Photo deluxe, deluxe designer, deluxe design, Colombian traveler,robin cuervo, traveler, 100 colombianos, Colombia, travel colombia, my republik, Colombiano viajando, brand builder,how to travel, easy travel, colombia
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the idea….

The “My Republik & Cie” notebook is a fully developed, unique, esthetic and practical concept. With its original cover-photos, micro-perforated pages, maps, tips and cardboard pouch on the back it is perfectly adapted to the needs of travelers, creators and dreamers. To have one is to feel part of a community that loves paper and ink, with a sense of esthetics and a respect for ecology and society. From Colombia to the world, anywhere on this planet : 


Dear, Robin, i meet you long time ago, i do remember when we meet it was cold and getting colder, NYC, 2001, always believed in your ideas, you always was my good reference, my good friend, but man this book you sent it to me to NYC, is FUCKING AWSOME !! you rock. Your friend , Claudio Carrera.

 “When I arrived in Colombia I thought I needed a special notebook in which to write all the magical ideas that came to mind. I felt I was part of something different and wanted somewhere special to keep those feelings” My Republik & Cie, is the result of a long investigation on the different notebooks in Colombia. It is a unique esthetic, practical and fully developed concept, perfectly adapted to travelling and to creative dreamers who need to note down their ideas, feelings, inspirations or memories, in any place, at any time.

Because we care

Because we need beauty to inspire us, My Republik & Co Notebooks have 16 beautiful
photos from different part of the world, on their covers. 
Because we care about the planet, My Republik & Co Notebooks is made from acid
free and recycled paper.
Because we care about our people, My Republik & Co Notebooks are hand made by
single mothers. 
Because we continually have encounters with both important and unexpected
contacts, My Republik & Co Notebooks has a cardboard pocket on the back cover. 
Because we like to share our ideas with others, the last pages of My Republik & Co
Notebooks are micro-perforated and easy to tear out.
Because we’re curious and autonomous world citizens, My Republik & Co Notebooks
have tips and maps of the cities where the cover photos were taken…

Anywhere on the planet: WE ARE REPUBLIK !